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This project is in alpha stage. Contributors are welcome!


Let's build Tekton Task writing only Go code!

Alpha Notice: This project is not backed by any corporation, it is the result of a month of working out of business hours for the Hacktoberfest 2023! As such, please, do not expect rapid support, production-readiness, nor bug-free experience and consider, instead, joining the development with me. It is licensed under Apache 2.0 and if the project gets attraction and/or get prod-ready we could migrate it to the tektoncd GH organization if it is of any use for the community!

Introduction: The Lovers 🦢

The following video shows the workflow of building a Tekton Task with go-tektasker using the default project generated by the CLI. The goal is to produce a task that takes two parameters lover1 and lover2 and write back in a result a little sentence that claim the love of the two parameters!


Task Development

tektasker init will generate a project with a TaskFile providing the glue between the different components involved in task creation.

Manifest as a Service

Do you enjoy writing YAML? Me neither. Let Tektasker write your Tekton Task CRD so you don’t have to 😌

Fast dev workflow

Once you’ve configured Tektasker all you need is one task apply to build and ship your Task to your development cluster.


The generated manifest for your Task doesn’t comply with your Kubernetes cluster policy? Tektasker will generate a base Kustomization. All that is left to do is writing overlays.

Don't leave your IDE

My goal with this project is to allow you to stay in your IDE as much as possible. You can do a lot writing only Go code 😏